Tags: Museum institutions

Title: "Journey to the Region of Obvious Evidence. Twenty Years of Albano Morandi among the Mechanics of Wonder."
Artists: Albano Morandi
Curators: Ilaria Bignotti, Camilla Remondina
Exhibition venue: Palazzo Averoldi, Contrada di Santa Croce 38, Brescia
With the intervention of: Paolo Bolpagni

Press conference: Tuesday, September 5, 2:15 p.m.
Exhibition opening: Thursday, September 7 at 9:30 p.m., with a presentation by curators Ilaria Bignotti and Camilla Remondina, followed by a musical performance by Luca Formentini
Dates: Thursday, September 7 - Sunday, October 1
Opening Hours.: Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 3 to 7 p.m.
Press Office: Vera Canevazzi Art Consulting: Vera Canevazzi, Chiara Stefanini

The project aims to retrace the exhibition adventure and concept of "Mechanics of Wonder," an event that over a two decades has been able to interpret and anticipate one of the key themes of Bergamo Brescia Italian Capital of Culture 2023: that of the "Hidden Treasures", that is, of the enhancement of the still little-known or inaccessible beauty of Brescia and Garda's architecture and cultural heritage through a well-known and appreciated format: Site-specific exhibitions in spaces usually closed to the general public or connoting places, through narratively charged setups. Especially, this autumn stage. stands as an ideal conclusion to the 2023 exhibitions, offering in the rooms of Palazzo Averoldi some significant installations by Albano Morandi, artist and creator of the event, which he defined as "Social Plastic," evoking the thought of Joseph Beuys and his belief in empathetic community involvement through aesthetic action. Alongside Morandi's large and poetic installations in dialogue with the spaces of the palace, as the event itself envisions, will be presented some significant documents made during this lengthy exhibition of "Mechanics of Wonder," with a focus on the published catalogs as part of the 17 editions, from the 2003 to 2023.

The project is enriched through collaboration with the musician and composer Brescian Luca Formentini who will make his sound installations dialogue with Morandi's works and the Palazzo's architecture.

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